Previous incidents
[US] Tracing ingestion delayed
Resolved Jan 31 at 04:06pm CET
We have resolved this issue
1 previous update
Delayed event ingestion in US data region
Resolved Jan 30 at 05:23pm CET
The queue is processing in time again.
1 previous update
Slow UI and failing API endpoints
Resolved Jan 24 at 12:31am CET
Root cause identified and resolved: The issue was caused by an inefficient database query that was consuming excessive resources on our ClickHouse cluster.
1 previous update
Delayed event ingestion in US data region
Resolved Jan 22 at 11:47am CET
We are now processing all events in time. We identified the root cause of the issue and continue to invest into performance improvements to ensure all data is processed in time.
1 previous update
High latencies and timeouts on ingestion API
Resolved Jan 20 at 03:35am CET
We scaled our ingestion containers and reduced the amoint of observed timeouts and latencies. We continue to observe the situation. We count 19.95k requested which were timed out or were closed by the client.
1 previous update
Delayed event ingestion in US data region
Resolved Jan 17 at 07:06pm CET
We process all events within 60 seconds as of now.
4 previous updates
Delayed event ingestion in US data region
Resolved Jan 15 at 08:22pm CET
We are fully recovered and process events within 60 seconds.
1 previous update
Delayed event processing in EU data region
Resolved Jan 13 at 06:44pm CET
We increased our processing rate and have ingestion latencies of less than 60 seconds.
1 previous update
[US] Downtime across all APIs
Resolved Jan 08 at 08:17pm CET
All APIs are recovered. All traces that have been accepted prior to the full downtime at 7:06pm GMT have also been processed and are available via APIs and UI.
2 previous updates
[US] Delayed tracing processing and temporary downtime
Resolved Jan 08 at 08:17pm CET
All traces that have been accepted prior to the full downtime ( at 7:06pm GMT have also been processed and are available via APIs and UI.
1 previous update
Delayed ingestion processing
Resolved Jan 07 at 05:15pm CET
We resolved all issues and are processing events at a high rate. We are now processing with a delay of 3 minutes and less.
1 previous update
Delayed trace ingestion
Resolved Jan 02 at 07:14pm CET
The issue is resolved, trace processing is back to regular service levels and all outstanding traces that were accumulated have been processed.
5 previous updates
[US] Delayed trace ingestion and increased levels of frontend errors
Resolved Dec 18 at 12:25pm CET
All events are processed in time again.
2 previous updates
Delayed event processing
Resolved Dec 18 at 06:15am CET
Events are processed within a minute now.
2 previous updates
Database unresponsive
Resolved Dec 13 at 12:53pm CET
Queued trace and project deletions were processed. We're fully back to normal operations.
3 previous updates