Previous incidents
Delayed event processing and API errors
Resolved Nov 28 at 04:33pm CET
We are fully recovered.
2 previous updates
Our scores API (api/public/scores) returned 500 due to performance issues.
Resolved Nov 25 at 11:52am CET
We rolled our back our change. The API behaves as expected now.
1 previous update
Event ingestion delayed on EU instance, affects GET API and UI
Resolved Nov 19 at 10:33pm CET
We processed all missing events which we lost during the outage.
2 previous updates
Delayed event processing
Resolved Nov 05 at 03:54pm CET
Today, between 12:54 CET and 13:18 CET, we observed database connection issues in our asynchronous event processors in one of our hosting zones. Due to those issues, we stopped our workers which caused the previously reported delays. Before we scaled down the worker instances, we had a window of approximately 10 minutes in which events that were accepted on the API, were not processed by the worker and dropped with an error. This should affect about 1/3 of events that were send to our EU inst...
2 previous updates
UI degraded, some routes error, backend API routes unaffected
Resolved Oct 31 at 06:59pm CET
We identified the issue and resolved it.
1 previous update
Delayed data processing
Resolved Oct 14 at 09:42pm CEST
All historic data is processed.
3 previous updates
[EU] Issues with Ingestion
Resolved Oct 11 at 08:33pm CEST
The incident was resolved by completing the infrastructure upgrade.
2 previous updates
E-Mail Login Not Working
Resolved Oct 08 at 11:58am CEST
All cloud environments should be working again.
2 previous updates
Infrastructure outage caused failing APIs, slow event processing, and lost ev...
Resolved Sep 19 at 10:06pm CEST
We resolved all infrastructure issues. Users might have experienced failing API calls. Also, we lost some traces and processed them slowly. We make continuous efforts to increase the stability and resilience of Langfuse.
1 previous update
Infrastructure upgrade
Resolved Sep 11 at 09:59am CEST
All systems operate as expected again.
1 previous update
Infrastructure upgrade
Resolved Sep 07 at 09:26am CEST
Everything has been executed successfully.
1 previous update
Infrastructure upgrade
Resolved Sep 01 at 05:26pm CEST
Everything has been executed successfully.
1 previous update